Chemistry (2)

„Adhesives & Sealants Magazine“ about collaboration between Packwise and BASF

In the chemical industry, liquid and granulated products should ideally be stored and transported in IBC containers. These containers have many benefits: they’re versatile, practical, stable and..

By Malek Wolf on 6 January 2022

Increased Visibility and Efficiency in the Chemical Industry

In the chemical industry, liquid and granulated products should ideally be stored and transported in IBC containers. These containers have many benefits: they’re versatile, practical, stable and..

By Jessie Jane on 8 November 2021

Increased Visibility and Efficiency in the Chemical Industry: Digital Twins and IoT Enable Automated IBC Fleet Management

In the chemical industry, liquid and granulated products should ideally be stored and transported in IBC containers. These containers have many benefits: they’re versatile, practical, stable and..

By Sarah Alexander on 24 June 2021

Scientific society for dangerous goods transport in exchange with Packwise

At the invitation of the Scientific Society for the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WGGT) and Dr. Monika Kaßmann, Felix Weger of Packwise GmbH will participate in the plant visit and discussion at..

By Sarah Alexander on 31 August 2020

Packwise is new member in the Chemiehandel e.V.

As an associate member, Packwise is now also one of more than 100 member companies of the Verband Chemiehandel e.V. (VCH).

By Sarah Alexander on 11 August 2020

CHEManager Innovation Pitch! shows Packwise with support from Weylchem and Henkel

The new section Innovation Pitch! in the leading industry newspaper #CHEManager published by Wiley-VCH offers a unique opportunity for start-ups to present their business idea to the chemical..

By Sarah Alexander on 12 March 2019

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