Green Team Event

At the end of September, the time had come once again: the 2nd team event in 2023 was on the agenda!This time, we wanted to go green - to meet our sustainability standards and do something good not..

By Sarah Alexander on 10 October 2023

Packwise provides new analytics tool: Packwise Analytics

As a digital company, we at Packwise know that collecting data always goes hand in hand with analyzing the information recorded.

By Sarah Alexander on 24 August 2023

Packwise at ChemEdge for the first time

As part of its focus on the US market, Packwise was represented at ChemEdge in Texas last week by Gesche Weger (Managing Director) and Leopold Meindl (Head of Business Management).

By Sarah Alexander on 22 August 2023

Packwise receives Cybervadis certificate

In today's digital age, cybersecurity is a top priority, which is why many companies require a cybersecurity assessment.

By Sarah Alexander on 22 August 2023

"Smart Cap" transforms analog containers into digitally trackable assets

A Simple, Practical Solution Transforms Physical Containers into Permanently Trackable Entities of Digital Supply Chain Management With the partnership that started last year between the..

By Sarah Alexander on 12 July 2023

Attachment of the Packwise Smart Cap

Our Packwise Smart Cap is child's play to apply in just a few seconds.How?Find out here in the video:

By Sarah Alexander on 11 July 2023

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