Packwise in the Leipziger Volkszeitung

The Wirtschaftszeitung, the business journal of the Leipziger Volkszeitung, reports on current business trends and profiles exciting personalities and companies.For the current issue, Gesche Weger,..

By Sarah Alexander on 13 April 2022

Expansion into the Northern European market - Packwise' collaboration with MCD AB

To establish itself in a new market, a company must choose the right strategy. One way to do so is to rely on an experienced and well-connected partner who is familiar with the market and its..

By Leopold Meindl on 15 March 2022

„Adhesives & Sealants Magazine“ about collaboration between Packwise and BASF

In the chemical industry, liquid and granulated products should ideally be stored and transported in IBC containers. These containers have many benefits: they’re versatile, practical, stable and..

By Malek Wolf on 6 January 2022

Our Packwise Image film

In the context of the 4th Future Forum simul+ of the Saxon State Ministry for Environment and Agriculture (SMUL) on August 21, 2019, Saxony’s Minister of the Environment Thomas Schmidt received more..

By Sarah Alexander on 6 January 2022

Packwise Proof of Concept with Henkel Adhesives

Anyone who has ever ordered groceries online knows how important it is that certain products are delivered refrigerated. The adherence to certain parameters, such as temperature, plays an even..

By Sarah Alexander on 30 November 2021

Packwise wins Point.IoT 2021

As part of the Point.IoT program, ten European teams have the opportunity each year to present their combined solutions of IoT and Galileo technologies to address industry challenges. In the..

By Sarah Alexander on 24 November 2021

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