Packwise closes financing round in the millions
With this multi-million investment, Packwise GmbH is preparing the Europe-wide market launch of Packwise Smart Cap at the beginning of 2020. Packwise is thus offering a practicable industrial..
Packwise serves customers in the entire DACH region with its multi-vendor container management service. With the publication in the trade journal for packaging and intralogistics „Pack & Log“ issue 09/2018, the efficient and cost-saving organisation of transport containers IBC (Intermediate Bulk Container) is presented to an even wider audience from the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries in Austria and the region.
You can read the full article here.
With this multi-million investment, Packwise GmbH is preparing the Europe-wide market launch of Packwise Smart Cap at the beginning of 2020. Packwise is thus offering a practicable industrial..
The new section Innovation Pitch! in the leading industry newspaper #CHEManager published by Wiley-VCH offers a unique opportunity for start-ups to present their business idea to the chemical..
Simplicity is at the forefront of Packwise’s Packwise Smart Cap solution: retrofitting Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) with the IIoT solution should be just as simple as the communication..
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