Sarah Alexander

Packwise meets medium-sized businesses at Unhide the Champions

Unhide the Champions is an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and provides a platform for initiating cooperation between young technology companies from all over Europe and German SMEs.

By Sarah Alexander on 31 August 2020

Packwise in dialogue with Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze at the Industry Club Resource Efficiency

On October 22nd, this year’s, now already 8th, meeting of the Industry Club Resource Efficiency at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety took place in..

By Sarah Alexander on 27 August 2020

Fokus Gefahrgut in „Packaging Special“: The Packwise Smart Cap as a smart solution for suppliers of metal packaging

In the special issue „Verpackung Spezial 2020“ the trade journal „Fokus Gefahrgut“ informs about novel innovations for the worldwide location and monitoring of large industrial containers,..

By Sarah Alexander on 27 August 2020

Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) – From packaging to autonomous worker

Beginnings of the IBC In 1992 an employee of Dow Corning S.A. from Midland (Michigan) was looking for a new solution to store liquids and powders more efficiently. We are talking about Olivier J...

By Sarah Alexander on 26 August 2020

Packwise is new member in the Chemiehandel e.V.

As an associate member, Packwise is now also one of more than 100 member companies of the Verband Chemiehandel e.V. (VCH).

By Sarah Alexander on 11 August 2020

„Logistik Heute“ about the packaging revolution in the logistics industry

Logistik Heute, the trade magazine covering procurement, production, distribution and disposal, provides an overview of the latest developments in the start-up world of the logistics industry.

By Sarah Alexander on 10 August 2020

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