Packwise in the „stern“ magazin
„That’s some good news…“: The German weekly news magazine stern has good news in its „positive environment“ section and presents Packwise‘ invention the Packwise Smart Cap!
And again Packwise is one team member richer!
Besides our development team, our CTO René Bernhardt is especially happy about this.
Since February, Leandro Soria, who has just completed his Master’s degree in „Global Production Engineering“ at the Technical University of Berlin, has been supporting both the current development of our hardware and firmware (embedded software) as well as the further development for future products and features. The Buenos Aires-born full-stack developer improves the algorithms to better utilize our existing hardware and optimizes our solution in terms of energy efficiency and accuracy.
„That’s some good news…“: The German weekly news magazine stern has good news in its „positive environment“ section and presents Packwise‘ invention the Packwise Smart Cap!
Packwise is pleased to be at the digital networking event Unhide the Champions – Transport & Logistics on March 23-24, 2021, to showcase its product, the Packwise Smart Cap.
Simplicity is at the forefront of Packwise’s Packwise Smart Cap solution: retrofitting Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) with the IIoT solution should be just as simple as the communication..
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