Packwise at the Weconomy start-up contest

With the founder initiative WECONOMY the knowledge factory – enterprise for Germany registered association in co-operation with UnternehmerTUM and the „Handelsblatt“ promotes innovative business..

By Sarah Alexander on 6 October 2020

Packwise as runner-up of the Neumarkter Lammsbräu Prize for Sustainability 2020

Anyone who demands sustainability must also promote it. This is done with the Sustainability Award, which Neumarkter Lammsbräu has sponsored since 2002. It supports intelligent projects and ideas..

By Sarah Alexander on 26 September 2020

Study on supply chain management by Körber

Why new technologies make supply chains smarter Logistics processes today are becoming increasingly complex. Production and order processing are becoming more complex. Due to the increasing..

By Sarah Alexander on 18 September 2020

A bit like Star Trek: Logistics in 2040

A huge materials warehouse hovers in the sky, parcel drones fly in the air, autonomously moving delivery ships are on their way on the rivers, and kilometers of transport routes run underground –..

By Sarah Alexander on 11 September 2020

We can be green!

We can be green! A brief analysis on green logistics commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment shows: Packwise is on the right track!

By Sarah Alexander on 4 September 2020

„Squaring the recycling circle“ – from CHEManager

In its issue 15-16/2018, the trade journal of the chemical industry CHEManager takes up the topic of reusing IBCs and drums in intelligent packaging cycles. The focus is on Packwise’s independent..

By Sarah Alexander on 31 August 2020

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