Cooperation between Packwise and 1NCE
Simplicity is at the forefront of Packwise’s Packwise Smart Cap solution: retrofitting Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) with the IIoT solution should be just as simple as the communication..
With this multi-million investment, Packwise GmbH is preparing the Europe-wide market launch of Packwise Smart Cap at the beginning of 2020. Packwise is thus offering a practicable industrial solution in series production for smart container tracking and management of liquid goods between chemical and food companies.
Photo of the founders of Packwise GmbH (high resolution)
caption: The three founders of Packwise GmbH (from left to right) – René Bernhardt (product development), Gesche Weger (management) and Felix Weger (product management)
Simplicity is at the forefront of Packwise’s Packwise Smart Cap solution: retrofitting Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) with the IIoT solution should be just as simple as the communication..
„That’s some good news…“: The German weekly news magazine stern has good news in its „positive environment“ section and presents Packwise‘ invention the Packwise Smart Cap!
Under the headline „With the Smart Cap, Packwise brings IBCs to the Internet of things“, Packaging Journal, the leading trade magazine in the packaging industry, shows what is behind the idea of the..
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