Sarah Alexander

Fokus Gefahrgut in „Verpackung Spezial“: Packwise Smart Cap as a smart solution for suppliers of metal packaging

In the special issue „Verpackung Spezial 2020“ the trade journal „Fokus Gefahrgut“ informs about novel innovations for the worldwide location and monitoring of large industrial containers,..

By Sarah Alexander on 16 April 2020

Packwise at the 4. European Chemistry Partnering

For the fourth time, the European Chemistry Partnering (ECP) invited companies from the chemical industry and its user sectors to business partnering talks on February 27, 2020.

By Sarah Alexander on 17 March 2020

HCB Magazine: „How the cooperation between Packwise and Diehl makes container tracking even easier“

In its current issue, HCB Magazine, the international magazine for dangerous goods transport, reports on the mutual benefits of the cooperation between Packwise and Diehl Connectivity Solutions (DCS)..

By Sarah Alexander on 7 February 2020

Founder Gesche Weger as guest at the talk in the context of the founder brunch at the KarriereStart 2020 

Under the moderation of Marina Heimann, managing director of futureSAX, Gesche Weger exchanged ideas with other female founders during the panel discussion on the topic „The foundation of diversity..

By Sarah Alexander on 25 January 2020

Packwise as the star of the East German economy of tomorrow

In its new series, the East German business portal WIRTSCHAFT + MARKT is currently presenting 50 East German start-ups whose innovative business models will ensure pioneering developments in the..

By Sarah Alexander on 18 December 2019

The festive presentation of the ESIG Solvents Award 2019 to Packwise

On November 6, 2019, the European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG), a sector group of the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), which aims to recognize outstanding achievements and innovations in..

By Sarah Alexander on 26 November 2019

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