Sarah Alexander

Packwise as one of 40 start-ups at the Hightech Venture Days 2021

Hightech Venture Days (HTVD) – platform for startups, investors and corporates, aims to promote startups and their innovations by providing them with access to capital. As such, it is considered..

By Sarah Alexander on 9 July 2021

4 Ways the Circular Economy Is Becoming a Reality in the Chemical Industry Thanks to IBC Container Tracking

For the past five years or so, our society and economy have been undergoing a massive transformation in terms of sustainability. The chemical industry is right in the middle of this, with the..

By Sarah Alexander on 29 June 2021

Increased Visibility and Efficiency in the Chemical Industry: Digital Twins and IoT Enable Automated IBC Fleet Management

In the chemical industry, liquid and granulated products should ideally be stored and transported in IBC containers. These containers have many benefits: they’re versatile, practical, stable and..

By Sarah Alexander on 24 June 2021

Fokus GEFAHR/GUT about the Packwise Smart Cap

In its latest practical report, the online magazine Fokus GEFAHR/GUT reports on the Packwise Smart Cap, the technology behind it and why the Dresden-based start-up Packwise won the GEFAHR/GUT 2021..

By Sarah Alexander on 16 June 2021

Packwise as a new member in the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL)

Packwise has recently become a member of the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) – a network of experts and managers from industry, trade, services and science. The aim of the non-profit association..

By Sarah Alexander on 4 June 2021

Packwise wins innovation award GEFAHR/GUT 2021

We are proud to announce that Packwise is the winner of this year’s GEFAHR/GUT innovation award with its invention Packwise Smart Cap!

By Sarah Alexander on 11 May 2021

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